Syugaku Mystery Uncover the "why" behind history!

What is
"Syugaku Mystery"?

"Syugaku Mystery" is a new way of learning that lets you explore the "whys" hidden in the history of places and people.

Use your mind to solve the mysteries and your body to experience the journey!
Grab the booklet, head to the locations marked on the map, and take on the missions to uncover numerous historical mysteries!

Promotional Video

We provide materials ideal for school trips,
inquiry-based learning, and field studies.

Vol.1: Kyoto Edition

Available from January 2025

Solve three mysteries across different locations!



Yasaka Shrine

Vol.2: Coming Soon

Vol.3: Coming Soon

"Syugaku Mysteries" is an interactive program where participants visit designated spots,
solve mysteries related to the "people, objects,
and stories" of each location, and uncover the hidden historical mysteries behind them.

  • The program builds the intellectual curiosity of students by encouraging them to explore the "why?" behind each location while enjoying the thrill of solving engaging historical mysteries as a group.
  • It is ideal for school trips, inquiry-based learning projects, and off-campus educational activities, and can be purchased in multiple units for group use.

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Visit historical locations and solve mysteries about people
and events as you explore areas guided by the booklet!

Vol.1: Kyoto Edition “Graceful Kyoto, Lights and Shadows.

Solve three mysteries across different locations in English!

38 pages. You can also view the answers in videos on your smartphone.

You can enjoy the 3 mysteries listed below!

Launching in January 2025.

Vol.2: Coming Soon

Vol.3: Coming Soon

How to Use

Once you've obtained the booklet, head to the designated starting point!

①Bring the booklet to the site.

②Solve the historical mysteries
at the location.

③Check the answers through
illustrations and videos.

④Read the explanations
to learn the history.

⑤Deduce the keyword and
uncover the hidden history!

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